Friday, 15 November 2013

Outside the box....

In the past I have shown you how different fabric choices can change the look of your quilt.

I want to show you how to take a basic pattern and change it up a bit.

This is Almost Modern featuring Northcott's Harmony line. (shipping in Dec.2013)

In this pattern, floral squares have been fussy cut and placed where the rows intersect. 
Now let's replace the floral squares with fabric from the rows.

It now looks like the rows are woven together. I really like this one.

If you replace the floral squares with a plaid or check that contain the same colours as the stripes 
a certain "blending" happens at the intersection.

Another one I really like is creating a "transparency" by making the squares secondary colours where primary colours cross. Where blue and yellow cross there is a green square, etc.

So when you are looking at a basic pattern (or any pattern) think about different ways you might colour it to change it up. It takes a bit of thinking when you are cutting it out but think about the great results,

If you would like to buy this or any other patterns just contact my by emailing for more info. You can see all of my patterns in the slideshow on the right side at the top of the page. If you click on the small image it will take you to the album where you can get a better look. (I think)

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