Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Merry Christmas....

I hope you were able to get all of your quilting done on time.... as well as the million other things that you had to do. I heard something this morning that made me chuckle but it was so true - 
Santa is like your boss. You do all the work and he takes all the credit.

We have had regular visitors to our bird feeder. Rather seasonal don't you think?

The weather has certainly been wintery and there was no fear of not having a white Christmas. But to the thousands of people in the Toronto area that are still without power or heat that has not been a blessing. All I can wish for you today is that you are safe and warm.

Mother nature has a way of being terrible and beautiful at the same time.

Here's wishing you a wonderful holiday season and a peaceful and happy 2014

Friday, 15 November 2013

Outside the box....

In the past I have shown you how different fabric choices can change the look of your quilt.

I want to show you how to take a basic pattern and change it up a bit.

This is Almost Modern featuring Northcott's Harmony line. (shipping in Dec.2013)

In this pattern, floral squares have been fussy cut and placed where the rows intersect. 
Now let's replace the floral squares with fabric from the rows.

It now looks like the rows are woven together. I really like this one.

If you replace the floral squares with a plaid or check that contain the same colours as the stripes 
a certain "blending" happens at the intersection.

Another one I really like is creating a "transparency" by making the squares secondary colours where primary colours cross. Where blue and yellow cross there is a green square, etc.

So when you are looking at a basic pattern (or any pattern) think about different ways you might colour it to change it up. It takes a bit of thinking when you are cutting it out but think about the great results,

If you would like to buy this or any other patterns just contact my by emailing for more info. You can see all of my patterns in the slideshow on the right side at the top of the page. If you click on the small image it will take you to the album where you can get a better look. (I think)

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Fall Classes.....

It's back to school time for quilters as well.
I will be teaching the following at Tangled Threads in Midland, Ont.
Call 705 528-0909 to register

Medallion Mystery – Sat. Sept. 14 @ 10:00   $15/month  (includes pattern)
This year’s Medallion Mystery is called Which Way to the Cabin.                                                  
Each month a border will be added to a centre block to make this 92” x 100” quilt.                     
No sewing in class.

Simcoe Sampler – Sat. Sept. 21 @ 10:00    $15/month (includes pattern)
The blocks in this sampler represent our home county with its lakes, farms and history.           Different setting options will be explored.

Farmer’s Wife – Sat. Sept. 28 @ 10:00 $15/month + book
In 1922 The Farmer’s Wife Magazine offered prizes for the best answers to the question – Would you want your daughter to marry a farmer? They were overwhelmed with 7000 responses – mostly positive.
Each month we will make some of the 6” blocks inspired by this contest.

English Paper Piecing – all day workshop Tues. Sept.27 @ 9:30   $40.00
Learn how much fun and how useful this technique can be.                         

 This is a hand work technique.  We will work with different sizes and shapes and explore traditional and modern design.

Saturday, 20 July 2013

So Simple.... So Brilliant

Do you find that some of the most simple ideas are some of the most brilliant... and most useful. Think of paper clips, bobby pins - bent wires!!

I came across one such idea a couple of days ago.
Those of you who know me have seen some of my applique and may have seen the baggies I keep my pieces in as I work. 
WELL... I have been reformed!

Check out this simple but oh so brilliant idea from Barbara Burnham.

Barbara shows how to make a folder that will hold all of the pieces in place until you need them. 

You can use it for hand applique of machine applique. Arrange your pieces by number or colour. No more digging in a baggy!!

It will also hold my hexagons in place as I arrange them into flowers. 

The next post show her needle folder!!

Guess what I'm doing today......

For those of you who are not familiar with Barbara Burnham she is the author of the book Baltimore Garden Quilt.

This book shows you how to reproduce this beautiful Baltimore Garden Quilt from 1848.

It is on my To Do list.

More about it here

Thanks Barbara

Monday, 8 July 2013

Seeing different colours.....

When you look at a pattern are you able to imagine it in different colours?  Or do you get stuck when trying to substitute different fabrics in?

Here are  samples of how different designs can look in different fabrics

 Here is Mountain Lodge in the original Black Bear Lodge fabric with the printed panel blocks as the focus.

Here it is again using Stonehenge Woodland Fern as the focus. The other values used are similar to the original - that is lights used in the same positions and dark & mediums in the same positions.
 Now let's go crazy.
By changing the positions of the values the look changes.
This takes more practice but don't be afraid to give it a try. Start small by mixing values around in a table runner or place mats.

 A perfect place to practice is in charity quilts. Most quilt guilds and some quilt shops make quilts for causes such as Children's Aid and people undergoing cancer treatment.
Not only do you get to practice switching up fabric but use up some of that stash but you can put a smile on someone's face as well.  Win Win

Below we have substituted a different border print. In this case different fabrics from the same line have been used. You really can't lose by using the coordinating fabrics from the same line or by pulling colours from your main print.
If you really aren't sure check with your local fabric shop or a friend with good colour confidence.

And now....  here is something from the cottage.calm

Saturday, 22 June 2013

What happened to May & June?????.....

I can't believe it's been so long since I posted anything here. I knew it had been a while... but 2 months!!!!

I have just shipped the latest pattern to Northcott. This one is called Mountain Lodge and is featuring the Black Bear Lodge fabric line. The pattern is also written so that you can use your own 12" blocks.

Hope you like it.

I just want to say that I'm thinking of all those affected by flooding in Alberta. What I've been seeing is unimaginable. Thankfully my girl is safe and dry but stranded with a friend. I'm so glad she took her dog with her that morning. She left for a visit in Calgary not knowing she wouldn't be able to get home for a while.
Stay safe Baby Girl !!

Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Finally..... nice weather

I wasn't sure what to do this afternoon. It came down to a choice between playing with new fabric or sitting outside.

This box of fabric arrived. It's from the Northcott's Canyon Ridge line. (Marsha I know you're drooling)

It's the fabric that is featured in Dust Devils and I want to make up the sample.

However it was SO nice out and it's amazing what has popped up in the last day or so especially since it was all covered with a bit more snow last Wednesday.

Can you guess which one won??
My chair on the porch called louder.

I'm teaching tomorrow so maybe I can do some cutting then.

Saturday, 13 April 2013

Rock Star of a different colour.....

Jennifer from The Quilted Cow (love that name) in Cape Fair, Missouri ( sent a picture of the Rock Star she did in her store.

I love it

I checked out the website and this looks like such a fun place to be. Gotta love quilt shops.

Thanks Jennifer.

Thursday, 11 April 2013

New Pattern and your imagination....

My latest pattern for Northcott is out and they will be shipping soon.
(remember that if you see something you like you can always order from me.)

Dust Devils features Northcott's Canyon Ridge fabric

Dust Devils makes great use (even if I do say so myself) of a border fabric.  How many times have you passed on a beautiful border fabric (and sometimes they are the most beautiful print in the whole line) because you think that if you use it you'll have to do a mitered border? Or do you just buy them for that runner pattern?

Why not use it alternated with blocks or even just strips of coordinating fabric to do a simple row quilt? Let the border print BE the design.

In Dust Devils, for instance, the border is used 3 times as a design feature and the border is NOT mitered but uses corner blocks that are repeats of the block in the center.

What would Dust Devils look like in florals??

So next time BUY the border fabric and show it off .... Your quilt will go from nice to WOW. Just say thanks and take all the credit.

Friday, 29 March 2013

I've been going crazy waiting to show you the piece I've made for the guild challenge. I didn't want to post before the voting just in case I happened to influence the outcome. We won't know the winners until next month. It was a tough race with some outstanding entries and I will try to remember to get some pictures of the other entries.

The title of the challenge is Quilts in Bloom and I decided to do hexie flowers and think outside the box... or square. I had visions of flowers dripping over a garden wall.

The hexagons are 1/2" and I am addicted to making them. I wasn't sure about the English paper piecing method - maybe too fiddley - but found that I just love it. There is no worrying about seam allowance and the method is quite forgiving. And pulling the paper out is like popping bubble wrap!

I had so much fun fussy cutting some and some are pieced with ideas from the book Pieced Hexies by Mickey Depre.

There are so many great ideas in this book. I have to make more!!!

Well today is the Good Friday holiday and it is a beautiful spring day. I hope you get out to enjoy some of it.

Don't forget to post comments. I love to see what you have to say.

Happy Easter 

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Today is Pi day - 3.14 (March 14) so to celebrate I am going to tell you how to figure out how much binding you need for your circular projects like tree skirts. Use this anytime you need to figure out the outside measurement (circumference) of a circle.

Think way back to math class.

 Circumference = diameter x Pi

So.... measure the widest part of your circle (diameter) and multiply x 3.14 (Pi)

If your circle is 24" across multiplied by 3.14 you get 75.36". Add 5" or 6" for joining the ends (depending on how join could be more or less). You need about 81" of binding..... Easy!!

Don't forget to use bias binding when binding curves.

Enjoy some Pi today.

Sunday, 10 March 2013

Kudos to The Electric Quilt Co...

I still can't find the CD for my quilt design program.
The other day I wrote an email to The Electric Quilt Co. explaining my dilemma. I told them that I thought I knew what they were going to say but had to ask if there was a way that I could reload it without buying a new program. (It is an excellent program but it costs $189 + tax and shipping) It's registered so I thought that they might be able to see that I do own one... somewhere. I thought for sure the answer would be "No"
Amazingly they replied right away and told me I can get a replacement disk for $10..... $10!!!
I was so excited and relieved.

Thank you Electric Quilt Co.

Don't you love it when good things happen.....

Thursday, 7 March 2013


I finally have my computer back after a major crash and now have to reload everything. Luckily my files are okay so all the work I have done lately is still there.

I am only missing one CD to reload and it is my EQ7 design program. I have looked everywhere and all I can find is the empty box.

I really hope I can resolve this before the next assignment from Northcott. Plus I have all sorts of designs floating around in my head and I would like to get them out of there.

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Snow Day

Over the past couple of days most of eastern Canada and U.S. have had a major snow storm. We had ours on Friday. 

This is what it looked like before 10 am and before the driveway fairy came with his snowblower. 

Had to do this 3 times .

Between shovellings I was sewing just like many of you were.  (I know Sandy was )
Here's what I did...

This is Rock Star. When I do a pattern for Northcott it is usually before the fabric is even printed. It's all done electronically. They send the fabric to me when it's available and then I can make my sample. 
This top will be finished today. 

Then how do I quilt it??
I think I want to try something fancy.

Mother Nature is apologizing today so enjoy it. 

Saturday, 2 February 2013

Back at it...

Happy Groundhog Day.  Our local critter did not see his shadow so we can look forward to an early spring.... YAY!!!

I decided that while I was waiting for the baking  I would go back to the studio and see where I left things the other day.

Here is what I was working on.

This is what it is suppose to look like. There is supposed to be a left and right side.  I cut 2 right sides by mistake and put them aside until I cut 2 left sides.

That was the plan.

Can you see the two on the left? Two different sizes and neither of them is the same as the two on the right... Like they should be...

This is when I decided to quit while I still had fabric left. It's fixable.

This will be the border on a design called Mountain Lodge. A sneak peak is all you get for now.

Got to go check the muffins

Friday, 1 February 2013


It was really nice to see some of you commented on a previous post. I really needed your kind words today because last night my computer flashed a dire sounding message before it went dark.
I live on my computer. I work there. I communicate there. I socialize there. So to be without it is NOT good. I'm in withdrawal and trying not to think of all the work that I did yesterday and hadn't backed up yet.

Off to repair soon.  Keep your fingers crossed for me. In the meantime I'm using my BlackBerry.

So thanks for your comments. The teapot is warm and, Sandy, maybe I'll see you stitching in a week or so.

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Too much personal info?

The last several days I have not been near my sewing machine because I'm fighting some sort of bug that makes my mind feel like that stuff that gathers around the feed dogs after sewing flannel... fuzzy and thick.
   I did feel bit better yesterday and decided to go through a box that has been in the corner of my room for some time. I have many boxes around my house since I moved from the store and I had NO idea what was in this one.
  Apparently it has been there for even longer than I thought and I am a hoarder of plastic bags. (????) was a box of misc., nicely folded plastic bags. Now, I do save plastic bags to line waste baskets and dump the litter box but this was a lifetime supply.

They are GONE.

It made me think of cleaning out the residence of relatives that have passed on. If you have ever had to do this you know you usually find something that makes you wonder what the heck they were thinking.
So, to my three young cottagelings when it is time to go through my things.... don't judge.... your turn will come.

And I promise to get rid of more plastic bags.

My dear friend KJ posted this this morning... it is SO me.

My house is NEVER tidy but usually cleanish

I better get back to sewing SOON!!

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Something New

Well I'm starting off the year with something new... a blog.
I have been posting things on Facebook for some time but decided to expand to blogging..... a different world. This is a learning experience for me so hang in there as I work through any bugs.

In setting this up I think I have the comments set so you can respond to posts. Please do. I would love to hear any GOOD things you have to add. We all love happy places don't we.

Okay... I'm going to try to add a picture now!!

Rock Star

( worked!!!)
This is the second time I have had one of my patterns featured in a Northcott ad. I always get so excited. I hope that never wears off because it's fun ( and a bit surreal...did I really do that??)

My year has had a great beginning with this design. I am testing a new one and may give you a sneak peek soon.

If you would like to buy this pattern you can email for info

Thanks for reading my trial post and leave a comment so I'll know if it's working!!