Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Happy Canada Day.... and some design tips

Here in Canada we celebrate our country on July 1st.
When you think of Canada what images come to mind? Maple leaves? Inuksuk? Beaver and moose? Mountains, lakes, prairies and forest? It seems that we have it all in this country.

When Northcott asked if I would like to work with their Oh Canada III line of course I said yes.

Some of the fabrics have a fairly large, spread out print. To show it best I wanted to use large pieces so it didn't get too chopped up.

Here's where some design tips come in....

Start with a traditional block and blow it up REALLY BIG.

I started with a block called 5-Spot

I enlarged it to a 42" block which became my quilt centre. I made a change in the corner...instead of a solid square (orange corner square) I made a 4-patch.

I wanted a rectangular quilt that would fit the Quilts of Valour specifications so I added large borders top & bottom.

Voila...instant quilt design.

Just to mix it up a bit, I rotated the corner piece and got another great design... so I put them both in the same pattern... 2 for 1!

Next time you are making a block, try rotating an element or two before sewing it together, just for fun.

If you need a quick quilt try BIGGIE sizing a block..... You just have to make one.

This pattern is called Coming Home. The poppies remind me of the ones who didn't come home. I have dedicated this one to them and the ones who did come home but suffer in silence. Please consider making a Quilt of Valour for our men who gave, not their life but their quality of life.

Happy Canada Day!!

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Quilty Weather on the Way...

Sounds like we're in for some wet weather this week. Time to take a break from raking and the rest of the clean-up and back to the machine.

What will you be working on this week???

My week is all mixed up so I found myself at home today and took time to work on some blocks that were sitting there looking sad and neglected... waiting to be finished.

These are for Double Cross. I really like this one and can't wait to see it finished. 

Yes, this is one of my designs but I've only seen it in electronic fabrics. I did test the blocks with scraps and really liked them but I don't receive the actual fabric until after it has been shipped to the stores. I started this quite a while ago and it's been looking lonely lately so I spent some time with it today.

I love to use invisible thread for applique... I can hear the groans now.
There are a couple of simple things that you can do to make it work just fine and learn to love this very useful notion too.

First: The spool must be standing vertically not laying down. If you use it laying down, it will twist as it comes off the spool and give you a migraine.

Second: Only use it on top or in the bobbin BUT NOT BOTH. It will stretch on itself. Use your regular thread with it.

Third: Adjust your tension. When I use it, my tension is almost at "0". Do some simple tests as you adjust until you find that your bobbin thread doesn't show on top.

WARNING: Remember to re-adjust your tension when you go back to sewing seams or you will be doing what I had to do.... re-sew them all.

I managed to get them all together except for the center circles.They are all ready to be sewn on but will have to wait for another day.

Enjoy the quilty weather....

Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Free Patterns....

A while back I posted about the Astronomical Quilt Block challenge issued by Astronaut Karen Nyberg.
I have just posted free patterns for a couple of blocks on my website ( www.stonecottagecrafts.ca ) . Look under More > Free Patterns > 9" Stars for Houston

I have only posted two so far. I may do more if I get a chance but this will get you started.
The Friendship Star is an easy one and the Country Farm star is more challenging.

Feel free to print these off and give them to your friends to do as well.

Don't forget you can drop your stars off to Mom's Tangled Threads, 559 bay St., Midland, Ont. and we'll send them in for you.

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Finally!!!! A new website....

Before I closed my shop two years ago, my web mistress and I began working on a new website that was to include online shopping for my patterns.

Somewhere along the line we lost touch and I was left waiting for a website or at least updates to the old one.

I finally figured out that the best way to do this was to do it myself (with some help from Scott... thanks Scott).

Here it is......

It's still a work in progress (or a WIP in quilting terms as opposed to my last attempt which is a UFO)

The Store is not quite ready....that's the WIP part. In the mean time if you see something that you would like to order, please use the contact page to order. I will send an invoice via your email.

Please spend some time taking a look. 
If you have a project that you are proud of, send it to me for the gallery. (especially if it's from one of my patterns but not necessarily)

I have a few more ideas and will add to the site as I go along. If you have any ideas of things you would like to see, leave a comment here or contact me through the site.

Welcome to the Cottage.....

Saturday, 8 March 2014

Take the challenge.....

Earlier in the fall Astronaut Karen Nyberg invited quilters to make star blocks to join the one that she made while on the International Space Station.
We are collecting blocks at Tangled Threads in Midland if you would like to take part.
The blocks will be sent to Houston and will be displayed as part of a quilt at the 40th Anniversary International Quilt Festival.

Read the details here....

If you haven't seen the video of Karen describing the challenges of sewing in zero gravity here it is....

Some blocks have started to arrive. Get yours to the shop before July 26th so you can be included. If you have any questions call the shop at 705 528-0909 or post in the comments.

Some blocks have started to come in.

Monday, 24 February 2014

What happened???

What happened to that time?? Has it really been two months since I posted anything??

I don't know about you but I am SO DONE with this winter!!!!!!

There was a bit of snow falling when I went to bed last night and when I went out this morning... HOLY... there was snow half way to my knees and it was covering all the ice from the melting the past few days.
Turns out Mother Nature was just making room for more snow.
To top off my morning I got stuck in my driveway and couldn't get out of my car because the snow was so deep beside my car. Son James came to rescue me.....   (must bake cookies)

This is how I feel

If you have trying to email me the info@stonecottagecrfts.ca is still not available. The best way to contact me is messaging me on Facebook right now. Search for Stone Cottage Crafts quilts & things if you haven't "liked" me yet.

 I have found someone to help me get things up and running as I don't know where my previous webmistress went. He will hopefully help me put together a new website with shopping capabilities.
I'll keep you up to date on this as I get more info.