Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Finally..... nice weather

I wasn't sure what to do this afternoon. It came down to a choice between playing with new fabric or sitting outside.

This box of fabric arrived. It's from the Northcott's Canyon Ridge line. (Marsha I know you're drooling)

It's the fabric that is featured in Dust Devils and I want to make up the sample.

However it was SO nice out and it's amazing what has popped up in the last day or so especially since it was all covered with a bit more snow last Wednesday.

Can you guess which one won??
My chair on the porch called louder.

I'm teaching tomorrow so maybe I can do some cutting then.

Saturday, 13 April 2013

Rock Star of a different colour.....

Jennifer from The Quilted Cow (love that name) in Cape Fair, Missouri (www.thequiltedcow.com) sent a picture of the Rock Star she did in her store.

I love it

I checked out the website and this looks like such a fun place to be. Gotta love quilt shops.

Thanks Jennifer.

Thursday, 11 April 2013

New Pattern and your imagination....

My latest pattern for Northcott is out and they will be shipping soon.
(remember that if you see something you like you can always order from me.)

Dust Devils features Northcott's Canyon Ridge fabric

Dust Devils makes great use (even if I do say so myself) of a border fabric.  How many times have you passed on a beautiful border fabric (and sometimes they are the most beautiful print in the whole line) because you think that if you use it you'll have to do a mitered border? Or do you just buy them for that runner pattern?

Why not use it alternated with blocks or even just strips of coordinating fabric to do a simple row quilt? Let the border print BE the design.

In Dust Devils, for instance, the border is used 3 times as a design feature and the border is NOT mitered but uses corner blocks that are repeats of the block in the center.

What would Dust Devils look like in florals??

So next time BUY the border fabric and show it off .... Your quilt will go from nice to WOW. Just say thanks and take all the credit.