Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Too much personal info?

The last several days I have not been near my sewing machine because I'm fighting some sort of bug that makes my mind feel like that stuff that gathers around the feed dogs after sewing flannel... fuzzy and thick.
   I did feel bit better yesterday and decided to go through a box that has been in the corner of my room for some time. I have many boxes around my house since I moved from the store and I had NO idea what was in this one.
  Apparently it has been there for even longer than I thought and I am a hoarder of plastic bags. (????) was a box of misc., nicely folded plastic bags. Now, I do save plastic bags to line waste baskets and dump the litter box but this was a lifetime supply.

They are GONE.

It made me think of cleaning out the residence of relatives that have passed on. If you have ever had to do this you know you usually find something that makes you wonder what the heck they were thinking.
So, to my three young cottagelings when it is time to go through my things.... don't judge.... your turn will come.

And I promise to get rid of more plastic bags.

My dear friend KJ posted this this morning... it is SO me.

My house is NEVER tidy but usually cleanish

I better get back to sewing SOON!!

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Something New

Well I'm starting off the year with something new... a blog.
I have been posting things on Facebook for some time but decided to expand to blogging..... a different world. This is a learning experience for me so hang in there as I work through any bugs.

In setting this up I think I have the comments set so you can respond to posts. Please do. I would love to hear any GOOD things you have to add. We all love happy places don't we.

Okay... I'm going to try to add a picture now!!

Rock Star

( worked!!!)
This is the second time I have had one of my patterns featured in a Northcott ad. I always get so excited. I hope that never wears off because it's fun ( and a bit surreal...did I really do that??)

My year has had a great beginning with this design. I am testing a new one and may give you a sneak peek soon.

If you would like to buy this pattern you can email for info

Thanks for reading my trial post and leave a comment so I'll know if it's working!!